Meike Früchtenicht

  • Jahrgang 1969
  • Business & Life Coach und Dipl. Soziologin
  • selbstaendiger Business & Life Coach seit 1997 in Deutschland, Brasilien und den USA
  • Durchführung der Intensiv Coachingausbildung "Second Chance", Bildungsurlaube "Innovacation", Netzwerk, Frauenseminar "Beautyfarm", Coaching Events "Fighting for Fun"
  • Auf Entdeckungspfaden mit eigenen Songs und Lyrics
  • Die Stimme von einer Coachingkundin aus New York 2004:"Meike's coaching is loving, fun, and concentrated. Working with her has helped me to lay out my life's path. The coaching was just the "push" that I needed to move into the next phase of my life. Meike's insight and care really helped me to move toward where I wanted to go, despite my own resistance.
    Sheri Bresson, Actress and Teacher, NY, July 2004"
